5 Ways to Tackle a Midlife Crisis Holistically

This is a guest article written by: Kimberly Hayes, Editor at https://publichealthalert.info/

The mention of 'Midlife' is generally not considered as a happy one to many people. They feel it's the passage of youth. For most people it's an unpleasant transition from a phase of carefree living to life's duties. 

This transition for them also invites greater responsibilities and stress in addition to their daily grind.

Again, for most people midlife signifies transition to not so happy events in life, like facing financial issues, for some women, it's going through the menopause and bodily changes.

It’s also the time when some middle-aged people face mortality of their parents/grandparents. It's also the time when one reflects back into the past actions. All these factors could leave one with a feeling of general unhappiness coupled with low energy and enthusiasm when compared to what they experienced in their youth age. 

What does midlife mean to you? Is the sailing smooth or are you facing some kind of crises?

Everyone is bound to have some difficulties in life and midlife is the time when you generally look back at those failures and regrets in life, that's natural but if it is taking a toll on your mind by constantly thinking about it.

Chances are you may even get depressed and face withdrawal symptoms due to a constant nagging feeling of not getting the desired results you had hoped for by traversing the path you had chosen by giving it all you have.

Midlife is the time when it feels like nothing in your life truly excites you anymore. 

You might wake up wondering if you have a purpose anymore, or if you’ve missed your chance at achieving your childhood dreams for your life and career.

Timely action can avert a crisis.

Though you'll still have to face the midlife blues to an extend, no one is truly out of this, ageing gracefully is a myth, reality is somewhat different, but armed with some awareness and acceptance can help you sail through the rough weather. 

Some effective strategies to tackle midlife crises can save the bad days.

Midlife is a phase of life, when our body changes, and if you don't change your habits, routines, attitudes to accommodate those bodily changes, it then could turn into a crisis.

If you continue to live carelessly like most people do in their youth life, your changed body will take its toll by turning it into a crisis. 

A midlife crisis is a signal to you that it’s time to make some major changes in line with your bodily changes.

This is the time where the pressure to accomplish your goals is peaking while your body, your past desires, day dreams and worries (PDW) could pull you back if not properly handled. 

By taking a holistic approach to caring for your mental and physical health with PsyYoga, you can turn things around. 

Good news is that, there's hope, and one can continue to live the youthful life even in midlife provided some extra care is exercised. 

As they say - "Everything is temporary in this world and only change is permanent," implementing few external changes when our body changes internally could very well sync together and mitigate the midlife crises altogether.

Here are a few tips on changing your career path, moving to a new city, improving your health, and more.

1. Consider a Career Change

Generally, your career must peak at midlife. If all has gone well with your career, and lady luck has favored you. 

But, If you feel unsatisfied at work, you don’t have to stay at the same job forever. 

It's time to switch. You still have the time to go for in for a second chance an second innings in your career and not loose hope.

If you have the relevant experience, which you should have over the years, you have the choice to start your own business or company. If you consider going in an entirely new direction by learning how to start a company with ZenBusiness.

They say, running your own business is a lot of work - but it can often be more exciting than working for someone else! 

Firstly, you’ll have to draw up a business plan so that you can get a big-picture view of the company you want to build. Write out a description of your company, as well as the channels and platforms you’ll use to sell your products and services. You can also start working out a general budget and figure out if you’ll need to apply for outside funding.

2. Move Somewhere New

Out of sight is out of mind! 

Change your place of living or working. 

What if you’re stuck in a midlife crisis because you’re no longer happy where you live? Sometimes, moving is the best way to get a fresh start. There's no need to stay put at one place all through your life. 

Explore life to fight boredom.

Shift to a different city, a different place and start house-hunting in an area you love, and be ready to act fast once you find your dream home! In order to get the keys to the house you want, you might have to be willing to put in an offer before selling your current home. If you end up in this scenario, you may want to request an extended closing to create some financial breathing room.

3. Switch to Holistic Health and Holistic Life

The hustle and bustle of city life and the youth life can eventually put a strain on one's health over a period of time and will be carried to one's midlife.

If not taken care off,

Rushed and irregular eating habits combined with stress and anxiety could lead to chronic health conditions like allergies and diabetes.

If you are already taking medicines for any chronic conditions, its time to consider holistic lifestyle, the one that emphasis living on more liquids and vegan foods combined with lifestyle changes. 

Holistic living is now catching up across the globe, particularly in the post pandemic scenario. People like to be more in the preventive mode rather than curative mode, thus they are ready to adopt life style changes and follow healthy rejuvenating activities like Yoga and PsyYoga for maintaining youthful health in their midlife too.

4. Work With a Therapist

One leads to another. 

Bodily challenges, critical relationship issues and career issues, when ignored over a long period of time could lead to some kind of mental health crises.  

If you’re already struggling with your mental health in the midst of a midlife crisis, you've come a long way in the wrong direction. we recommend it’s time to seek out a therapist right away. 

You can chose you therapist in your town or go online, Declutter the Mind - recommends looking up local therapists online and reading their reviews, and then contacting promising therapists who offer free consultations. You’ll be able to get a feel for their communication style and figure out who might be a good fit for you before scheduling a session.

5. Prioritize Your Social Life

Getting stuck in a midlife crisis can cause you to back away from your social circle nullifying your social life. 

You might be hesitant to open up about your feelings, or you may feel like you have to deal with all of your problems on your own. 

Bottling up all the emotions without socializing isn't good for your mental health.

Here, practicing vulnerability is key if you want to change your life for the better. If you want to work on making new friends, BetterUp recommends joining groups based on common interests that meet regularly, such as a running club.


Midlife is an crucial phase of your life and it’s always important to care for your mental well-being in addition to your physical health - especially when you’re trying to pull yourself out of a midlife crisis.

It's also the perfect time to focus on activities that ignite favorable situations like cooking healthy new recipes, going for daily walks, doing yoga to relax and unwind, and improving your sleep schedule. You’ll be surprised by how much better you feel physically and emotionally when you prioritize these basic healthy habits!

If you’re coping with a midlife crisis, it can be hard to see that better things are on the horizon. 


When you focus on your holistic well-being, you can get back your zest for life.

Whether you want to start a business, connect with a therapist, or simply meet some new friends, these above tips can help.

Want to experience the countless benefits of yoga? Start practicing  PsyYoga! Visit our website PsyYoga.com today to explore our PsyYoga resources.

Photo via Pexels

Contact the author at :

Kimberly Hayes <kimberly@publichealthalert.info>

Krish K. Madembeth

is the founder at PsyYoga, Pebbles Transformation and Diversity Equilibrium. Has over two decades of experience in the field of Inner Yoga and Meditation, has formulated the practice of PsyYoga® which is a psychological tool culminating the fifth and sixth limbs of Yoga - the Pratyahara and Dharana to achieve everlasting Bliss. - Follow him on Twitter: @madembeth - Email: krish@psyyoga.org

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