The Nature's Law of "Diversity Equilibrium®"

- Krish K. Madembeth.

What is 'Diversity Equilibrium® ?

Nature strives for Diversity in all of her creations. 

If we perpetrate or propagate to establish sameness throughout the world then that will result in imbalance 

This imbalance gives rise to bad Karma.

This combined bad Karma of all such people will get accumulated in the world and will circulate around the world. 

Someday, it will show up, somewhere else in the world in the form of massive violence or uncontrollable natural disaster.

Due to this, millions of other innocent people will suffer. 

It's like Nature punishing the whole of humanity for the mistakes of a few.

Because, Nature prefers Diversity and in all her creations and not sameness.

Where sameness exits, Nature will split them into two or more groups.

This is the Nature's Law of "Diversity Equilibrium"  as I call it.

The world cannot be made unipolar with one type of people, one type of bee, bird, one type of tree or one belief system. - Krish K. Madembeth

Many magnificent rulers and personalities have tried it in the past and have failed miserably. 

Human history is dotted with such incidents of trying to eliminate one race or religion to create sameness and that has failed miserably with untold human sufferings.

For example, human history has taught us, many a countries have tried sameness in their language and religion across their nation only to become divided within themselves and become less happier and less successful than countries who tolerate diversity. 

Even if they do succeed to some extent, it's only for a brief period in the timeline in history, and then everything will become divided among themselves. At least one sub sect will arise, with new sect rising from their old sect and protesting and then coming out. Ultimately the sameness is challenged by Nature and she wins. Everything becomes mixed and everything goes back to earlier format.  

Hence, for a peaceful world to exist, we need to stop accumulating bad Karma across the world by understanding that we all live on top of one round rock that is floating in thin air without any support, on our unique planet Earth and that no one of us are too big or too small in front of Mother Nature.  Irrespective of our belief systems, we need to embrace Diversity as a gift from Mother Nature and jointly resolve to co-exist in unity and diversity like all other diverse species. 

Only then, will our Earth turn into a paradise, a Heaven on Earth for each one of us. 

Nature strives for Diversity in all her creations. If we perpetrate or propagate to establish Sameness throughout the world, then that will create imbalance resulting in Bad Karma and Nature will unleash her fury in multiply ways causing untold sufferings to Human race until she establishes Diversity Equilibrium - Krish K. Madembeth

Let's all understand and embrace this one truth and stop the carnage worldwide.

 Happy days!



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