Odd-Even Success Technique


odd-even success technique garner abundant positivity and luck

Photo by Ali Azad

Odd-Even Success Technique

I here introduce the simple concept of Pebble's Transformation's Odd-Even Success Technique formulated for easy implementation.

Its simple yet this technique helps to reap abundant joy and success by attracting the natures forces for our heightened positivity.

It's an easy hook point for the mind to remember, a hook to pull one from negativity and fear towards positivity and luck. Instantly, in an easy way. 

The concept might sound simple, but trust me, this simple technique has the power to transform, one of my pebbles transformation technique.

Now to the technique, it's like this, think in your mind that there are two components in what we do, where we go, what happens to us and so on. 

The first one is, let's say, the even component and the another, the odd component.  

Remember, the even component is the ideal situation. All our aspirations are met, for example, during a journey or tour, we'd aspire the journey to leave us happy and everything to go fine to the best of our aspirations and satisfaction. 

For the students, this could mean their exam goes well and they score full marks. 

Similarly, in any given situation or venture we undertake, an even situation should take us in the right direction.

Everything will go-on safely without any adverse events and the end result will be predictable, profitable, joyful and successful. 

Start a business, a journey, a job, all with this in mind. Think Even.

Similarly, in contrast, 

The odd component, is quite opposite of the even component. 

Fear and agony drives the odd component situations.

For example, travel is marked with adverse events and failure is an hallmark of this oddity. 

Now, to follow the above pebbles transformation odd-even technique, its the one simple key to establish stability in our life. 

It takes us to positivity aromatically. 

Let's always assume and hope an even situation and thus a positive outcome in all that we undertake.

Think even, and the odds will never stall us, abundant joy and success will be bestowed.  - PsyYoga.org

To push our mind to even situations, one easy and proven technique is to think in even numbers.

Mentally picturize an even pair of birds sitting and cuddling together or flying together. 

Another example is,  mentally picturizing  a  romantic pair sitting at the beach or two beautiful roses dancing in the breeze out of a pot. 

Or,  picturize mentally, objects like two pillars (even), or simply put the two hands forward and gaze at the beautiful evenness in our ten fingers before you start something.

Look for evenness in everything and experience success.

That's why, they say, in our culture that for all good occasions people from a family must go in even numbers , either two people will go or four people, generally we  avoid going  alone or in a group of three, sounds  superstitious,  but works.

And the logic is , Nature has made a pair for everyone, every species. There's always a partner, a pair, a clan, a group.

So the  simple mental hook is to think even numbers, seeing even things in your mind before undertaking anything and the odds are sure to disappear.

The learning is,  to be in the even situation always,  and that way we can keep the odds at bay or face the odds easily in any eventuality. 

This brings the forces of nature to your rescue and brings  abundant joy and luck.

Krish K. Madembeth

is the founder at PsyYoga® , Pebbles Transformation® and Diversity Equilibrium® . An Engineer by Profession. Has over two decades of experience in the field of Inner Yoga and Meditation, has formulated the practice of PsyYoga® which is a Psychological tool culminating the fifth and sixth limbs of Yoga - the Pratyahara and Dharana to achieve everlasting Bliss. - Follow him on Twitter: @madembeth - Email: krish@psyyoga.org

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