Pebbles Transformation System - The Power to Transform Towards a Beautiful Life.

It's not about meeting the work-life balance. It's beyond that.. 


Time is the basic raw material for our life; this raw material is converted into a shiny finished product based on how we judiciously use that time for betterment. -

Look deep into the rose flower featured above, observe carefully, can you feel the beauty and transformation that has taken place in the rose from the stage of germination and sprouting, through leaf and shoot production, to bud formation, to flowering and then to so called senescence and dormancy all the while transforming to something most beautiful.


I simply can't take my eyes of them and can watch the fully bloomed flower for a long time, just gazing at its heavenly beauty switches me to a blissful state.

Observe closely, we can see some real transformation here. A transformation into 'beauty' and 'abundance'

It also reveals to us that, real transformation takes  Time and is accomplished in Stages.

Art is never finished, only abandoned - Leonardo da Vinci

That rose flower is an live artwork of Nature, aided by the rubbing of the soft winds, water droplets, and say some heavenly love. 

I don't find words to express it but that's the least that I can say. Vinci's quote or that kind of thoughts comes instantly to us when we observe the transformation the flower had gone through. 

Has nature abandoned it after the art work?

No, it's still at work perfecting it.

That's the best part, it's still unfinished work of art by nature. 

We see un-finishedness in all of Natures marvels. 

Nature is refining and perfecting whatever it creates over time and again. 

Now, the question is, what will this refined rose look like say 10,000 years from now? Most super, beautiful? We just can't just imagine. 

Like we humans, who have transformed to the present state in stages of evolution, everything around us evolve towards the direction of perfection too.

Now coming back to the need for us to transform and ways to do it: The first step is to keep aside some time everyday, devoted to this transformation, that's fundamentally essential.

As they call it, the me-time and this me-time is also helps one to remain in psychological happy state. Some prescribed time in a day, reserved and dedicated to one's personal self away from the distractions and the noises. 

This me-time can then be utilized for Personal Transformation.

It may sound simple but in reality its is not easy to set aside some time from the work day consistently in today's times.  Some time has to be carved out from the available time and continue to do that everyday.

We need to negotiate and bargain as much of a time as possible, get as many hours as possible that can be to converted to me-time and dedicate it to personal transformation, long walks, reading etc.,

We usually plan to work for eight hours but often end up working for ten hours or more. 

The trick is to complete the work planed for eight hours in say six hours and keep the remaining 2 hours as me-time. The time needed for our own self needs to be bargained.

Why am I emphasizing the bargaining aspect? because, unless some time is set aside, no personal improvement will work. 

Some daily allotment of time slot is a primary necessity, most people quit personal transformation programs like say weight loss or Yoga primarily due to lack of time, they're too busy in running their lives and their daily chores. 

Starting is easy. 

Consistency is the difficult part. After a few days or say a week, we've seen the excuse people give for quitting is legendry as always:  "Where’s the time for all that?" 

Very true, the hustle and the bustle take away all of it. Saps the energies.

One realistic way is to be more productive at work.

Get super efficient, try and complete job faster, to this effect one needs to plan all the tasks well in advance so as to bargain as much as time as possible.

There's plenty of productivity tools and apps at our disposal to help that happen. 

Most of them are free, for instance, the calendar app, your phone scheduler, a simple notepad app on your phone helps to jot down all the tasks and to-do lists, jolt my random thoughts so the your brain becomes that much lighter.

Those are just an example from plenty of time saving apps out there.

I use some of those apps too. I’ve implemented a write-down, a basic text file that I update on all my devices. All those apps help de-clutter my mind making it lighter so that I can bargain some time from my work time and convert it into my me-time.

We all know there is no shortcut to become successful in this competitive age. The only sure path to achieve our goals is to get good at what we do. 

To become the best at what we do, we need to practice, that again calls for plenty of time, basically, it all conveys that we all need lots of time to succeed at anything.

The key is success to Personal Transformation is to bargain as much time you can from your work time and push it to the me time.

In this post, I will be discussing about some beautiful and unique concepts for transformation. 

Once some consistent time is 'created' on a daily basis, your mission is half won.

 Now, two things as to be taken care of:

1.     Create Disciplined Daily Routines.

2.     Create Powerful Habits.

The above seems simple and basic, yet they are the most powerful tools at our disposal.

Next, the bargained time has to be converted to disciplined daily routines and powerful habits that will initiate the Pebbles Transformation in you. 

You are bound to transform from that sharp-edged stone to a beautiful and colorful pebble in the areas that you have identified for improvements.

Pebbles Transformation® concept that I conceived and advocating herein is all about that powerful transformation.

A transformation that is not rapid to start and rapid to lose but one that sustains and is accomplished through the process of continuous practice through disciplined routines and powerful habits over a period of time. This combined effect has the power to transform anyone from a rough stone to a beautiful pebble.

How to completely transform oneself like a pebble?

When I closely observed the pebble, I could visualize the action of soft winds, soft brushing of the sand grains, the action of soft water gushing on the stones accomplishes magic over a period of time. 

The transformational process of the pebble  can be replicated in humans too, that’s my mission.

The process of soft and soothing habits, routines and methods replacing the elements of wind, sand and water.

That’s about my study in the Pebbles Transformation System.

I will be discussing about the methods, routines and the habits in detail in various posts to meet our ultimate mission of pebbles transformation.

The ultimate mission is to Transform Humanity into Humanity 2.0 into a more tolerant morally, spiritually, environmentally conscious, beautiful and peaceful personalities towards a conflict free world.

To sum up: Spend more time living a life than making a living.

Observe life closely in all its aspects. 

Bargain more of the me-time and use that for self-transformation.

Happy Days!

(PS: For more articles and tips, you can subscribe to our blog or  join us  with a free membership)

Krish K. Madembeth

is the founder at PsyYoga® , Pebbles Transformation® and Diversity Equilibrium® . An Engineer by Profession. Has over two decades of experience in the field of Inner Yoga and Meditation, has formulated the practice of PsyYoga® which is a Psychological tool culminating the fifth and sixth limbs of Yoga - the Pratyahara and Dharana to achieve everlasting Bliss. - Follow him on Twitter: @madembeth - Email:

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