Obtaining Clarity of Thought through the practice of PsyYoga

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Every bit of activity begins with a thought. 

A person with clarity of thought reaches his goal sooner than the person with confidence. - PsyYoga.org

Having a clear state of mind and remaining focused is a gift. 

In that clear state of mind, there's no worry, indecision or self-doubt and one learns to accept and appreciate life without agitation. 

It’s a life with less confusion and less complications as it gives a clear way to lead an happy, healthy, successful, wonderful and above all a loving life.

A clear mind is the starting point, so that we can work for it instead of getting lost in the noise around us.

Clarity of thought is just the opposite-side of having a foggy mind. 

It's willfully cutting out the inner and the outer noise that we experience in our day to day life, steering clear of the negative influences and keeping the baggage of our thoughts to the bare minimum.

This helps us to focus on the decisions made in the current moment. An PsyYogi achieves this through the daily practice of PsyYoga for at least just fifteen minutes a day.

An clear mind will think and act only on what really matters.

It ignores the rest and optimizes to perform one thing best at a given point of time for greater results, this is accomplished by eliminating random distractions.

"A clear thought from the mind will be in sync with the rhythm of our hearts and the resulting activity arising out of that thought will be pure, purposeful and admirable." - PsyYoga.org

Thought is the seed of all activity to manifest. 

A clear thought from the mind is pure like a dew drop and the resultant activity manifested out of it is also pure and divine.

Let's delve deep into some more aspects about the subject:

 Table Of Contents

1. Introduction.

2. The need for mental clarity for success.

3. Benefits of having clarity of thought.

4. Advantages of having a clear thought process.

5. Achieving clarity of thought holistically.

6. How to take help from Guru.

7. What is expected from Guru.

8. How to be an ideal holistic student.

9. Giving back to the society.


The Need for Clarity of Thought.

For young people, Entrepreneurs, CEO's, Business leaders, Management level executives or Students etc., all of whom who aspire success facing the competition, clarity of thought is a necessity that'll steer them to success.

But, success like anything else is hard earned in today's scheme of things. It's a rare commodity and comes to those who train for it, let's say like winning the gold medal in athletics, training is inevitable. The competition today is much higher, compared to the yester years.

Just like in sports, the harder one trains, the more the likelihood of winning the medal.

We can observe the winnable not only train hard, but get tougher, particularly the athletes, for this, they train themselves at high altitudes, climb hills, run in the hot beach sands etc., to build that toughness and resilience.

It’s this training that leads them to success. 

To train like that, the clarity of thought and inner balance are crucial elements.

One most important aspect of setting a goal and achieving it is by having clarity of thought.

It boils down to the answer these questions: 

Clarity on what one wants?  why? and how to achieve it?

Having this clarity is pure gold.; knowing our purpose, our destination.

Take for instance, In the sport of archery, unless the arrow is aimed correctly the chances of hitting the target is remote. 

This is true in life too. 

Clear thoughts bring definite results, they benefit in the long run.

The biggest causality, in lack of clarity of thought, is the decision making.

"We tend to lose more valuable things in life due to indecision, rather than wrong decision."


Look at that scenario closely, and in relation to your own life, and you will discover some truth in that statement. 

I have been very much impacted by indecision, many a times and it had devastating effects in my life.

We get action paralyzed due to foggy mind and did not act when most needed, those inactions resulted in our paramount failures when we look back decades down the line.

In  today's times, with so much distraction, particularly the digital distraction, the need for clarity of thought, to cut through the noise is a challenge and also most essential for success.

Be it success in business decisions, entrepreneurial success, education, relationships etc., the clarity of thought is fundamental to it. 

One must be able to see things clearly and differentiate it from the lot, from a whole lot of other unproductive, distracting and unending stream of thoughts to truly stand out in these trying times.


What are the benefits of having the clarity of thought?

I'll list out some of the benefits of having clarity of thought :

(a) Basically from experience I can say, it helps one avoid costly impulsive errors and erratic decisions that are made in confusion mode.

This happens mostly without knowing the subject fully (but never acknowledging it) , or at times by not willing to ask for help.

(b) Clarity of thought helps a person to avoid known and avoidable mistakes. 

One knows the answers and has experience in it, yet, do not use that knowledge at the right time due to lack of clarity of thought. Their ideas benefit many others but not themselves. When their ideas benefit only others and not themselves, they feel left out and diminished. 

(c) Lack of clarity of thought prevents one from recognizing one's true potential.

Their potential thus gets wasted, those are the people who have an innate ability to see what others can't see or imagine, they belong to an elite group of talented people, but they lacked the clarity of thought to understand it  nor to apply their talent towards their phenomenal success.

(d) A person who has clarity of thought, automatically stops the brain from overthinking. Why overthink, when a simple act or a smile can achieve it?  They think less and sleep well too by eliminating the need to think beyond what is needed.


What is the main advantage in having clarity of thought?

"Clarity of thought opens our eyes to the present realities, and it presents us the best possible options at our disposal at that point in time."

This will help us to make the right decision and that important decision, at that point in time, this will ultimately result in the right action, that right action again will pave way for greater success in our endeavors.

So, let's presume, that clarity of thought paves way for success.


How to achieve this clarity of thought holistically?

Why holistically?

Holistically takes into consideration, not just a person's mental needs, but also consider their physical, emotional, social and spiritual components as well in the person’s thought process, also in the decision making and its consequent actions

Again, because it's that, in the holistic method, we learn from the experience of other people, time immemorial, and use proven systems that have worked for them and over the ages. It may not solve today's problems, but might hold some lessons to learn from that past experiences, that could well be adapted to find solutions to the most pressing modern-day challenges.

If you closely observe, the basic problems are all the same for humanity even today, it has not changed much, be it health, poverty, comforts, relationships, success or failure. The way it presents itself has varied much.

With an holistic approach to it, we have some template, a starting point. Some roots to gain traction. It's easy to scale from there.

Holistic actions have more lasting effects, thus has a revolutionary element to it, not just momentary solutions.

Those solutions are comparatively easy to comprehend. They offer an alternate and definitive way to think and act, instead of learning on the bullet points.

In the holistic perspective, a person who has clarity of thought is referred to as the Guru.

An Guru is one who has a clear knowledge and experience on that particular subject, and one who is in a position to guide and teach others. 

An Guru can lead others in the path of knowledge and wisdom.

An Guru has the ability to look within others, understand their potential, dispel their darkness, and help them find the clarity they urge and can transmit the instructions onto the student. Also teach and guide the seeker.    

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source: creative commons

Generally speaking, one cannot become an expert in all walks of life and work, one is not expected to play all the games in sports nor excel in all of it, one is also not expected to play all the musical instruments to perfection. 

There's a certain limit to common human accomplishments, and the biggest limitation is the availability of time.  Every activity consumes that time, and time is scarce for all of us.

So, the essence of what I'm discussing here is that, one has to take the help of people who have a holistic experience or knowledge in the spheres one is not conversant with. Nothing to feel ashamed or egoistic about it. 

We need to ask and learn what we do not know to bring clarity in areas we lack and also when in doubt, in a chosen field.

While we burn like a candle emitting light with our knowledge, we initially needed another candle to light us up too, and now, we have the responsibility to light another candle.

So, take help when in doubt and shine with clarity and spread that light of knowledge.


How to take help?

That's the basic problem. 

Accepting and acknowledging the need for help in itself an accomplishment. It opens many a doors.

Some of us, now-a-days, assume we know a lot more things, about everything, and taking help is not an option, particularly the young people of today. 

Google it they say!

However, it always helps to take help from a person who has a holistic understanding on the subject.

For example, constructing a dwelling house for that matter. So many practical stuff we tend to miss out (when doing it for the first time). I had constructed an house for me a few years ago and also never bothered to take help on lots of valuable information my seniors had and who had done it earlier than me. Through the eyes of my arrogance, I made lot's of mistakes and it's irreparable, because, it's a costly affair and some of us can afford a home only once, built with our life's savings. I realized, a home construction has a whole lot of internal holistic information that we don't find in the common domain, but only with the experienced.

At times, taking help is a wise decision, and saves a lot of sweat, sadness and sometimes a lifetime of remorse. I am the proof.

Back to the subject, how to take help from a let's say, a Guru or a Teacher, to help us obtain the clarity of thought in either our life or something else?

Now the concept of a student and a teacher or the one holistically referred to as the Guru-Shishya comes into play.


What is to be a expected from a Guru or a Teacher?

The Guru is considered as one who is: 

(a) Experienced and Enlightened in the subject he / she is teaching.

(b) Has the ability to communicate and transfer that knowledge / experience / wisdom.

(c) In a position to help the student (or the seeker) to look within to realize his/her potential, and throw the light to dispel the darkness (ignorance) in the student on the subject (say life or skills) in another words, able to bring absolute clarity in the mind of the student.

(d) A Guru must be able to differentiate between Wisdom and Knowledge.

(e) Command’s respect with sacredness and dignity of a Teacher.

That takes us naturally to the next big question.


What does the holistic teacher (Guru) does that a regular teacher does not?

(a) An Guru does not teach. He helps his student learn.

(b) An Guru does not feed information from outside to inside of a person, instead he takes his student inside first, then outside. 

He believes the human body is also made of the five elements that we find in the outside world viz, Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether. Hence the human body embodies the knowledge of the world too naturally. The Guru thus takes one inwards first and helps one to look for answers within before embarking for answers outside.

(c) An Guru doesn't give all the answers, but helps the student find their own answers. 


How to be a ideal student holistically?

We know, who a Guru is, now we need to understand the student requisites too.

An ardent student must:

(a) Have an open minded, learning mindset (without pride or prejudice), and accept one's ignorance in the subject matter he or she seeks to learn. (Bhaava)

(b) Willing to surrender to the supreme knowledge possessor, the Guru or the Teacher who is well conversant in that subject. (Pranipata)

(c) Question and willingness to question as a student, till all the doubts are cleared. (Prashna)

(d) Acknowledge one's token of gratitude in learning something that one aspired and to give back to the Guru (or to the society) in some way and to add value to a larger purpose (Seva)

The above four steps are holistic essence defined in ancient Indian literature related to the etiquettes of a Guru - Student (Shishya) relationship. 

Some of the non-English words expressed in brackets are the actual words used in those Sanskrit texts.

How much is that relevant in today's times? 

That’s left to the individuals to comprehend.

But, by and large those factors take care of the physical, mind, social, emotional and the spiritual elements in the Guru-Shishya setup. 

Teaching is not just telling, but enlightening and transferring the wisdom to the seeker.

It also involves trust, respect, acceptance, purpose, ethics on how that knowledge will be used and reward, so that's revered as a workable holistic solution in the learner and the learned scheme of things. 


Why give back to the Guru or the society at large?

Because, it's revered that its Wisdom that is ultimately  transferred from the Guru to the Shishya (Student).

It's that wisdom that's helped the student to have clarity, sometimes clarity in life. 

That wisdom might also help a larger community or purpose. Thus it must be used in an ethical, and in good spirit. 

That's partly the meaning of it. 

Cultivating that urge to give for a larger purpose in the universal scheme of things. It satisfies and ends the cycle of knowledge and wisdom transmission and that student becomes an ideal Shishya.


How to get achieve clarity of thought holistically?

(a) Practice PsyYoga affirmations to de-clutter the mind and find inner focus

Our thoughts are formed and influenced by our psychological self, which was molded from our childhood through our life experiences some of them through our teachers, parents and societal influences. 

This has resulted in a sea of ideals, ideas and beliefs that we unknowingly picked up on the way and all of them gets embedded within our soul.

That's the root of all our stream of continuously flowing thoughts and that psyche roots needs to be touched upon through PsyYoga to affect any real change. 

(b) Observing the thoughts stream closely and then clearing the debris, one by one, through PsyYoga meditation is the tool to achieve mental clarity.

(b) Ask in case of doubt. Clarity comes from asking and clearing the doubts. I have explained in the above paragraphs the holistic characteristics of the asker (student) and the Teller (Guru).

(c) Foggy mind over a period of time leads to frustrations, it's the result of a wrong actions performed over a period of time. Self-acceptance is the key to stall all inner frustrations and to stay focused. Psyyoga tools helps one in self-acceptance.

(d) Seeing things from a higher level, a higher perspective, is the way out from a difficult situation. It dwarf's the problem and presents a clear view from the sky, rather than sticking to a small boundary. Achieve this perspective through the practice of PsyYoga.

(e) Dispel fear in all it's form, fear is the biggest fog maker in the mind that prevents thought clarity. It creates a fight or flight situation. It's the primary turbulence maker in the mind. To achieve clarity of thought, one tool is to use is the understanding the three  PsyYoga levels and to reach the inner most Divine level where fear simply ceases to exist.

Further Reading: 

There is a special festival to celebrate the Guru-Shishya relationship and that annual festival in India is called as the Guru Purnima to celebrate, imbibe and grace the Guru-Shishya Lineage of transferring the wisdom from an enlightened master to an ardent student.  

Quoting Wikipedia, "Guru Purnima is a tradition dedicated to all the spiritual and academic Gurus, who are evolved or enlightened humans, ready to share their wisdom, based on Karma Yoga. It is celebrated as a festival in India, Nepal and Bhutan by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists." 



(a) Clarity of thought ultimately leads to success.

(b) Lack of clarity of thought is the major reason for wrong decisions, and failures in life and work.

(c) When needed, take the help of a Guru to bring about that clarity.

(d) Practice PsyYoga to dispel the turbulence of the mind created by one's unique psyche. 

The above can help the seeker in obtaining the desired results and ultimately succeed holistically, the kind of success that is not only lasting but also satisfying.

Over to You:

What are your experiences on this subject? 

What are  your experiences with a Guru or teacher?

You can comment below or email or reach me using the contact page. It'll be much appreciated.

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Thanks for reading. 

Happy Days!  

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Krish K. Madembeth

is the founder at PsyYoga® , Pebbles Transformation® and Diversity Equilibrium® . An Engineer by Profession. He has over two decades of experience in the field of Inner Yoga and Meditation, has formulated the practice of PsyYoga® which is a Psychological tool culminating the fifth and sixth limbs of Yoga - the Pratyahara and Dharana to achieve everlasting Bliss. His interests align more with inner Yoga, Psychology, Spirituality, Metaphysics. Some of his other interests include music, reading, technology, branding, enjoys solitude and also connecting with people, ​He is on a mission to help people to be blissfully happier while caring for our Planet too. Follow Krish on X : @madembeth - Email: krish@psyyoga.org

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