Discover Your Real Soulmate.


Mission: The Happy You.

Discover Your Real Soulmate.

The fundamental concept around soulmate is to be Soulfully Happy Together.

Soulmate is “A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner who are connected at the soul level and are indispensable to each other.” 

It’s also known as a connection of two hearts and minds. Twosome who commands a mutual respect.They share an unconditional love, and have total understanding between them.

It’s like being with your thoughts, because your thoughts fully understand you. Your soulmate is just the person who reflects and sometimes amplifies or still better, compliments your thoughts.

How would it be? Living with that sort of a person. Your soulmate. And most probably the soulmate is a wife or husband of a person. 

The lucky person. No doubt about it.

But, everything that tastes sweet may not be honey. What if you’re not happy with your best half. Your partner in marriage.

 (Let that doesn’t happen to you, but just for discussion sake). 

You may then dislike a lot of things and even to reconcile with the partner’s behavior, you feel ditched at times, other few may feel that way all the time.

You may discover a rare negative energy overpowering you when confronted with conflicting emotions of your so called soulmate. 

You may not understand that energy until perhaps someone decides to pull you out of the rut you are in. 

Most probably, at times it may be restrictions, other times, it may be pretense.

Conflicting opinions add fuel to the fire, or your opinion is being snubbed and you’re overcome by a feeling of insult or dis-satisfaction. 

Whatever be the case, you feel the very idea of soulmate is defeated in that person.

The more things you like or in your soulmate, the greater your chances of loving your soulmate, and able to be happy with your soulmate. 

For example, 

The more number of fruits you like, the chances of you liking fruits as a whole is greater than people who just like to eat just one or two of them.

It starts with simple dislikes. Sometimes a less of an attraction or sometimes a less of trust.

For some maybe both. 

Then slowly this calls for resolute reworking of the dislikes in an natural effort to reconcile, but it’s a long and bloody battle sometimes worth fighting depending upon other qualities that you value in your soulmate. 

Not that it’s impossible. But it’s definitely a thorny road which sometimes could take you through the journey into a beautiful rosy heart.

When you feel defeated that your soulmate isn’t your real soulmate for reasons best known to you, your own analysis, the next symptom is tension. 

This mental tension builds up slowly and frequently. 

Tension gives way to pretension. 

Not showing the tension filled person inside of you to your soulmate is again for reasons best known to you. Sometimes you simply cannot. At times it reveals itself.

 “Pretending to Love and Care” is the fundamental pretension both indulge in when in reality both are not inclined towards it.

There are Two Levels in a relationship.

The Level-1 relationship is the Ego filled level (called as maya) and the Level-2 is the Real Self or the Soul Level.

A pretentious relationship in its natural path turn to ego based “Level-1” relationship. 

In this ego filled level, the predominant emotion is “Anger”. Since anger is an extension ego itself. 

Anger will ultimately bring in “Sadness.” because sadness is an extension of anger itself (even if you cannot express your anger, still you may feel sad within). 

If  your sorrow goes, your anger goes too. 

Because Ego leads to Sadness which leads to Anger  resulting in outbursts with your soulmate.

Only when the Level-1 The Ego filled Level is Conquered will the relationship move to the Level-2. The Soul Level. 

Soulmates must obviously be in the Level-2 to be truly called so. 

The possibility of couples in Level-1 to become soulmates are remote and sometimes rare.

The Level-2 relationship state is rooted in a state of self-awareness. Called in innermost soul that is bounded to your authentic self. It has been built already with ones past experiences.

Even with all your efforts, and with all that are humanly possible, what if the two of you, the souls, wanting to become soulmates but are not capable of staying in Level-2 the inner soul state ? 

Yes it happens for majority of cases, they live all their life in Level-1.

The answer lies in the question itself.

Your state of awareness, your inner authentic self is the real soulmate you can fall back

Depending on your understanding and practice of that self-understanding, you can make your self itself as your own soulmate. That is the best solution. Because your soul wont hurt you anymore.

The greater your understanding of your soul through self mastery and self-understanding, your will progress psychologically by the self-exploration that can reveal more of your mysteries of you and the universe that you are willing to explore. 

The universe is just a reflection of your inner self. Both the chaos and the beauty of it. -

You will experience complete fulfillment when you make your inner self your first soulmate all others as second, third etc., so whatever happens, still you can fall back on soulmate number one, that is your inner self and thus find peace.

How to make it a reality to adapt your own self as a soulmate?

In the beginning, 

You need tools such as PsyYoga, which is a tool to attain psychological well-being and balance, not just physical or mental wellness. 

With belief, honesty in practice, and complete resoluteness you can reach here.

You get equipped to dispel that complete darkness your past soulmate has bestowed on you and look for real light within you. 

Ignorance was the enemy, not your soulmate. 

Even otherwise, 

It’s best advised to make yourself as the first soulmate and your partner the second, using the tools mentioned above, for the best of both of you.

You'll be so balanced.

Build an “Enlightened Self” that unravels new vistas and dimensions of you. The New You - The PsyYogi.

Be the Psychologically Strong, Superior and Balanced Person. You'll start to enjoy the universe in all its glory by peaceful observation and peaceful indulgence.

Happy Days!

Tags: #Soulmate, #Englightened-self, #Psyyogi, #Mental-wellness, #State-of-awareness, #Psychologically-strong, #Authentic-self, #Level-1-Relationship, #Level-2-Relationship

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Krish K. Madembeth

is the founder at PsyYoga® , Pebbles Transformation® and Diversity Equilibrium® . An Engineer by Profession. He has over two decades of experience in the field of Inner Yoga and Meditation, has formulated the practice of PsyYoga® which is a Psychological tool culminating the fifth and sixth limbs of Yoga - the Pratyahara and Dharana to achieve everlasting Bliss. His interests align more with inner Yoga, Psychology, Spirituality, Metaphysics. Some of his other interests include music, reading, technology, branding, enjoys solitude and also connecting with people, ​He is on a mission to help people to be blissfully happier while caring for our Planet too. Follow Krish on X : @madembeth - Email:

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