The Practice of PsyYoga as the Vehicle to Achieve Mindfulness.

PsyYogi Mission: Achieve Mindfulness Naturally


"With mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are available in that moment." Thich Nhat Hanh

If the words I utter below seems to relate to you, please read further, else stop, be happy the way you are, remain that way and move on in life, because you are Karmic lucky.

Now, let's get a bit deeper within. How are the days, not so good? Did it seem like you dragging yourself through your days? Is every day the same? No relief, no change.

Just Passing through the days, various seasons, and becoming a passive witness to it? Summer has gone, winter came, and you didn’t notice it and that went too.

You never felt it. The rain drops. The cold shivers didn’t soothe you nor did it hurt you.

How could something hurt anyways? And you thought, you already have an ache that you feel deep within all day and night.

But never knew what it is. This may sound a bit harsh, but sometimes we have to face it. Face ourselves.

Why sabotage your days, every day?

What’s holding you back from living it fuller, more mindful and accomplished life — whatever that means to you?

May be you felt you didn’t dream big enough at the right time. Or that you dreams where too big and scary to fructify at that right time.

It takes some self-reflection, and self-introspection to to accept these harsh realities, only then can you truly step out from this state of sabotaging your days.

The simple truth is, most of the time,

The biggest obstacle in your happy days is just “You”.

We are born as a human all alone, and to go out from this world someday alone. Then, why depend on external forces too much and create more and more obstacles?

We need to have some space withing ourselves to connect to the universe, and respond to our life's forces all alone. Each day.

Cutting through the noise. Even if we are not with the right people, think of the above, nothing really matters.

We are a complete organism, Just we need to accept this and pull on. The cause, the reason and the effect is within us.

But, if  we are old then regrests are inevitable. But if one is  younger the regrets aren’t regrets at all. They are experiences. That’s the truth.

Young people still have ample time to straighten-out the scheme of things and realize their full and true potential.

"You action decides you destiny, your thoughts decide you action." -

Hence, Think right to act right. 

Treat yourself very well, stop the sabotage, stop constantly grieving something, and respect yourself. No matter what it takes, how long it takes, learn to enjoy your unique existence.

Think, the whole world is having a great time, why not you? That's must be the aim of true mindfulness.

PsyYoga is not Mindfulness.

"PsyYoga is the Vehicle to Mindfulness." -

The art and practice of PsyYoga automatically makes you to mindful naturally.

It’s like, if you keep driving your car frequently, you needn’t bother to place your legs on the clutch or brakes properly, mindfully. It just goes there and does its job all by its own when needed, you just need to co-ordinate well. Practice well and it driving becomes a cakewalk.

PsyYoga does just that. It takes you to a more mindful existence automatically with its practice, and you experience mindfulness without you even noticing it.

PsyYoga is a simple method to practice, that’ll easily take you to that destination mindfully, but unmindfully, YOU SIMPLY REACH THERE.

Happy Days!

Tags: #Be-Happy, #Mindful-Life, #Accomplished-Life, #Vehicle-to-Mindfulness, #Mindfully, #Unmindfully, #Experience-Mindfulness

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Krish K. Madembeth

is the founder at PsyYoga, Pebbles Transformation and Diversity Equilibrium. Has over two decades of experience in the field of Inner Yoga and Meditation, has formulated the practice of PsyYoga® which is a psychological tool culminating the fifth and sixth limbs of Yoga - the Pratyahara and Dharana to achieve everlasting Bliss. - Follow him on Twitter: @madembeth - Email:

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