PsyYogi : Freeing the mind to handle the unexpected.
Expectation is the mother of all frustration. Antonio Banderas
Sometimes, the right place to start an Blissful Life is actually when some sort of feeling of frustration,
dejection and hopelessness creeps in.
That’s the ideal time, because that’s the time
when one searches for answers, and looks inward for solace.
It’s isn't rare or a disorder. But, when this phase repeats itself endlessly, it presents itself as an disorder which may need to be treated by a professional.
But, these things could happen to normal people too.
For most people, It’s a passing cloud. And hits on the face one way or the other, almost everyone goes through this at least once in their life time. Some of them face this multiple times and come and go in cycles and they are ok with it.
Its a small but a nagging phase. And that’s exactly the time one needs to capitalize on, and to look for some answers to the most pressing questions that is deep rooted in all of us.
There are two ways to look at it:
(1) Get bogged down by an overwhelming feeling
within that overpowers you
(2) Channelize that massive negative energy
into positive energy by doing something constructive, and creative during that
phase, accepting it altogether.
The latter will result in some amazing work,
it’s like, you’ve channelized a massive volcano within into something useful.
Some may label people going through this phase
as dejected souls, not really.
It’s just a dark passing cloud. I call it the volcano effect, and let the results speak for you. What is needed is right response to be given immediately. How to win in such a situation, and convert it into a blissful experience? a few eruption's in our psyche are ok and manageable what if its a continuous eruption? it does happen for many people, we just need to observe them closely.
That’s the PsyYoga’s core principle: To have a balanced mind in such a situation. Don’t lose your mental balance, come what may.
Temporarily detach from all liking. Commit to dutifulness in what you do. Finally commit to serve unconditionally. Serve anyone, all of the creation if possible without expecting anything in return.
That’s the key. Just do that at least till the dark phase passes, and see the change.
You’ve just averted a big battle with the soul and the body. We teach this at PsyYoga.
PsyYoga helps in wining a battle with our psyche without self-inflicting wounds, and without collateral damage in terms of relationships that are hard earned.
Like in all modern wars, they say, the collateral damage will be unprecedented due to the sophistication of the weapons, and the intelligence acquired through technology. So, the best option is to sit across the table and settle.
The same thing happens to our psyche too. When it goes Avery, never go at war with yourself, come what may. There will be no victory. It’s almost certain.
Negotiate peace and move on. Practicing PsyYoga regularly paves way to discover a balance between psyche and body to handle such rough patch.
PsyYoga helps freeing the mind from
self-doubt, achieving peace of mind, sense of purpose, harmony with self,
staying unperturbed even in the face of adversities.
Such a unperturbed state is called in ancient Indian yogic
literature is known as “Stithaprajana” (pronounced as Sthi-Tha-Praj-Na)
Psychic balance is essential to achieve life balance.
PsyYog’s simple principle paves way to that
definitive path.
Happy Days!